2 Dec 2010

Todorov's theory...

Todorov came up with a theory that all narratives could be split up into 5 sections.

1. Equilibrium - the setting is established and key character(s) are introduced. The storyline is set up.

2. Disruption - oppositional characters appear and the story begins to take a particular direction.

3. Recognition of disruption - the lives are characters and events become connected. This is normally the longest section and tension is building.

4. Attempt to repair disruption - when the highest point of tension occurs. There is some change in dynamics after this point.

5. Reinstatement of equilibrium - problems are resolved and questions answered. Life can go back to 'normal' although it may not be the same equilibrium as the beginning - things are often very different; it's just about searching for balance again.

This is my attempt at breaking down the film "Eagle eye" using Todorov's ideas.

1. - The man's twin brother has not long died; he's trying to get back to 'normal' life again.
    - The woman has just sent her little boy off on a music trip to play at a presedential conference.

2. - Guns/bombs etc appear in the man's house. He calls the delivery service and they say his brother had ordered them before he died. He hears a strange computerised woman's voice on his phone. The police are going to arrest him for having the guns etc but the computer voice tells him to run. He then tries to run away from the computer voice, but she can contact him anywhere. He has no option but to obey her.
   - The computer voice is watching her son and could kill him at any point. She immediately obeys the computer voice to save her son.

3. Both characters have to work together (do what the computer voice says) to keep the little boy safe and themselves from death. The voice is everywhere they go. It controls exactly what they do.

4. They manage to find the computer voice system and shut it down. The man's deceased brother had left clues for them because he knew what the computer was evil and was responsible for his killing. After the computer is shut down,  two parts of a bomb come together (which is what the computer wanted) at the presidential conference where the little boy is playing with his school orchestra. To stop the two parts coming together, the man jumps at the President and gets shot.

5. The man survived the shooting. The little boy returns home; never knowing how much danger he was in. The man becomes a good family friend of the little boy and his mother.


  1. How did your research of Hitchcock's techniques influence your ideas for your own ots?

  2. Again, how would you apply Todorov's theory to the storyline for your film and where might your ots fit within this?
